Books will Change Your Life
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (Author)
There is a paradigm in the universe that is the kernel for the success of people in their lives. Books will Change Your Life. This paradigm is hidden and has been known only to very few historically exceptional people. The elements of the paradigm are visible only in bits and pieces to the majority of the human beings. What if the unkempt paradigm is clearly compacted and present to the world? What if the ‘secret’ is revealed? Rhonda Byrne, the author of the book, the Secret, presents such an ultimate secret which will unveil the formula for a successful life. The Secret is a self-help book which relies on the dogma that the universe is governed by a law called the law of attraction. According to the law of attraction, one attracts what one focuses on primarily. If a person spends his/her life focusing on positive thoughts, then the person will supposedly attract positive energy and positive results; the same is the case with attracting negative energy. This belief is based on the idea that both people and their ideas are made up of energy and thus one can influence the other upon will and exercise one’s wishes and obtain happiness in life. The book intends to render its readers a way to attain their ambitions in life and be successful. A detailed expansion on the idea of law of attraction is written to help everyone reading the book. The book is published in hardcover and is a 1st edition (2006).
Key Features:
- The Secret is a 2006 best seller, based on the earlier film of the same name.
- The book has sold more than 19 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 46 languages.
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You Can Win by Shiv Khera (Author)
An easy-to-read, practical, common-sense guide that will take you from ancient wisdom to modern-day thinking, You Can Win helps you establish new goals, develop a new sense of purpose, and generate new ideas about yourself and your future. It guarantees, as the title suggests, a lifetime of success. The book enables you to translate positive thinking into attitude, ambition and action to give you the winning edge. This book will help you to: * Build confidence by mastering the seven steps to positive thinking * Be successful by turning weaknesses into strengths * Gain credibility by doing the right things for the right reasons * Take charge by controlling things instead of letting them control you * Build trust by developing mutual respect with people around you * Accomplish more by removing the barriers to effectiveness.
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The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma (Author)
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a heart-warming and inspiring story that offers you and thousands of other readers a simplistic method to living your life the right way. This intriguing story concerns the life of Julian Mantle, who is a highly successful lawyer. This lawyer is suddenly brought face-to-face with his unbalanced life, when he has a heart attack, which brings everything in his life to a standstill.
On selling all that he owns and journeying through India, Julian has a spiritual awakening, concerning his disorderly life, because of which he decides to set things right, by living life in a much more fulfilling way than he had been doing before.
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari encourages all of its readers to follow the same principles that Julian found on a journey to a very old culture: Live life right, develop happy thoughts, chase after your calling, be disciplined, value time, strengthen relationships and live life king-size.
The book promises to give you lots of valuable insight into life. Its simple and enlightening principles can be used by one and all, in the fast-paced world, which tends to find people falling short of time. The book’s first paperback edition was published on 25th September, 2003.
Key Features
- This book provides the perfect amalgam of eastern spirituality and western prosperity.
- Its principles have been followed by many well-known personalities, in various countries.
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You Can Sell: Results are Rewarded, Efforts Aren’t
By Shiv Khera (Author)
It is often said that in order to succeed, one needs to learn the ‘tricks of the trade’. However, this is not true. Good professionals learn the trade. This is what You Can Sell teaches you how to do-to gain thorough knowledge of the trade, better understanding of the task at hand and sell your way to success. This book explains how to: * Gain success and avoid pitfalls * Meet and exceed goals * Establish credibility and grow * Gain a competitive edge * Learn the qualities of a winning professional.Books will Change Your Life
About Shiv Khera
Shiv Khera is the founder of Qualified Learning Systems Inc. USA. He is an educator, business consultant and successful entrepreneur and a much sought-after speaker. Shiv inspires and encourages people, making them realize their true potential, and has taken his dynamic personal messages to far ends of the globe; tens of thousands have benefited from his energetic workshops in over 17 countries; millions have heard him as a keynote speaker; and he has appeared on numerous radio and television shows. His 30 years of research and experience have helped people on the path of personal growth and fulfillment. Shiv Khera is the author of 16 books including the international bestseller You Can Win, which has sold over 2.7 million copies in 16 languages. He has been recognized by the Round Table Foundation and honoured by Rotary International and Lions International.
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life changing books non fiction,books that will make you a better person
Who Will Cry When You Die?
by Robin Sharma (Author)
Key Features
- A self-help book that has the potential to give you a lot of return for the small investment that you will make by buying it.
- The short chapters with 101 innovative ideas cover getting the most out of your life in a simple and quick way.
We have all wondered what will become of us when we cease to exist; whether we are living our lives to the fullest or just barely surviving. Who Will Cry When You Die? gives you 101 simple ways to live a worry-free life. Some key sections include Discover Your Calling, You’re Your Monkey Mind, Look For The Higher Meaning Of Your Work, Learn To Be Silent, Have a Living Funeral, Listen to Music Daily and Become The CEO Of Your Life.
Some of them are lessons we all know but don’t practice, others are not so popular. The book is great to put things in perspective and get a lot more out of your life, than what you are currently getting from it. Hear it straight from the life management expert who has been instrumental in the improvement of many lives all over the world. The author was ranked seventh on the International Leadership Professional Gurus of 2012.
If you find yourself dreaming of better days and putting off things because you don’t have the time and energy – this is the book for you. This self-help book will not only help you in your journey to find inner peace, but you will be satisfied with your life’s accomplishments.
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Books will Change Your Life,books will change way you think,books that changed your perspective on life,10 books that changed my life,life changing books reddit,life changing self help books,books about living life to the fullest